Start a new game, any year on Hard level, type "FUND" until your cash is at $60,000 (reply yes to all queries). Now go to the budget menu and select bond repayments. Then click on repay bond and answer yes to repay bond at 3%. You will now get $50,000 every year.

When you start a NEW game, before doing anything else, use the fund above cheat TWICE, then take out a regular bond (through the budget menu). I've had interest rates of -15000% with this cheat, so you'll get a few million each year.

When you have started a new city (in easy mode) take a loan. Go to the map and type "Found". Then go back and make another loan, and now you earn 1.5 million a year.

For a large amount of cash follow these steps:

  1. Start a new city and close inital newspaper screen
  2. Pause game
  3. Go up to 'windos' menu and click on 'budget'. Click on book at the end of the line with 'bond payments' at the begining
  4. Click on 'repay bond' box and click on 'yes'
  5. Click on 'issue bond' box and click on 'yes'
  6. Click on 'done' box, and click on other 'done' box
  7. Now type 'FUND' on the keyboard and click on 'yes' box. Do this step 5 times in total
  8. Repeat steps 3 to 6 once more and you should have around $500,000
  9. Unpause and carry on with game

If you don't have around $500,000 more cash in the funds, then redo the above steps exactly as described.


Try typing the following during the game:

"CASS" -- gives you $250 (after 30-50 times causes a firestorm)
"JOKE" - for a dumb joke
"VERS" ----- for version
"GUZZ" ------------- ???
"PIRN" ------------- ???
"ARDO" ------------- ???
"TOPS" ------------- ???